Book a consultation with one of our designers and request a 3D design of your next kitchen

Would you like a RiFRA kitchen? Start from the project.

Every kitchen we have made is based on a specific project, studied in every detail.

Fill in the form; we provide you with a free online design service:

discover what we can do for you and what we have reserved for you.

Discover our method:

1 - Fill out the form found on this page.

Fill out the form in its entirety.

We will contact you back by email or phone and ask for a floor plan of your home to begin reasoning about a type of kitchen that fits your situation. You will then be contacted to schedule a first video call.

2 - First video call with a RiFRA designer.

In the first video call we will introduce you to the RiFRA brand and evaluate together which collections and finishes are best for your needs.

We will then identify the kitchen design type that best fits your space, along with your preferred kitchen collection and choose the finishes that best suit your style.

The call ends with the appointment of the second video call.

3 - Second video call: presentation of the project

In the second video call, we will present you with your custom 3D project with corresponding quotation.

We will discuss the project and the kitchen solution we have designed for you, with no commitment on your part.

Fill out the form, book the consultation and request your RiFRA kitchen project online: